Rye Nursery History

In 2002, Rye received over $2 Million in grants from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the Wildlife Conservation Society for the “Long Island Sound wetland restoration project at Rye Nursery.” The grants were designated for development or improvement of the flood plain ecosystem, maintenance of which is necessary to reduce the risk of flooding in our coastal community.Rye Nursery abuts historic Knapp House and Milton Cemetery, Rye's Blind Brook—a tributary to the Long Island Sound, and the residential neighborhood.  The city spent over $1 million from an Environmental Facilities Corporation grant to build Rye Nursery Field but the wetland restoration around the field has yet to be undertaken.  

In 2011, Rye Recreation and the Rye City Council hired a consultant to review three current playing fields, including Rye Nursery, to determine which could potentially be converted to synthetic turf. Because of its unique location, the report specifically denounced the idea of synthetic turf at Rye Nursery.

FNF's current focus is to keep this area as originally intended— a natural, open, recreation space with a wetland preserve. Looking forward, our goal is to preserve and improve this space with restored wetlands and better field drainage, so all of Rye—its citizens and its land and waterways— will benefit for years to come.


FNF Mission